Thursday, 1 October 2009

chapter 5 My experimental video ideas

A man comes and sits down and turns on the TV and the xbox 360. He puts in a game called GTA IV. He starts to play the game but as he is playing the game something starts to happen. The TV and the lights around him start to flicker but the man does not take any notice and he carries on playing. Then the lights and the TV also the player start to flick???? He stands up but then he cannot move away. At that moment the whole room randomly starts to flash. When the flashing stopped the player's controller drops out from his hands onto the settee. The man is not in the room any more he is in the TV. He starts to go a bit crazy he does not know what is going on but you know he is in the GAME.....
I have been inspired by: video on youtube where the can is in third person view and the map on the left hand side also the time, health, money, actions. This is a link of the video:

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